Keith David Elwart - Online Memorial Website

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Keith Elwart
Född i Michigan
23 years
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Juli 1, 1983
Born in Michigan Rochester Hills, Crittenton Hospital on July 1, 1983.
September 4, 1994
One of the fondest memories i have of my brother was when i had just started school. I was little and very nervous. I sat by myself in the front because i was to shy to make friends. Keith was four years older than me and he had always sat in the back throwing paper airplanes and shooting spitwades. On the first day i got on the bus i sat in the front and he headed to the back. I sat there wallowing in my own self hate for being to afraid of everyone, i was just about to cry when i felt someone sitting beside me. I looked over and he looked down at me and gave me a little smirk and said he would sit with me. after that day i made friends because my best friend was there for me.
Juli 31, 2006
Passed away on July 31, 2006 at the age of 23.
April 15, 2007

A special Angel wanted me to be his Mom. I am so blessed that Keith chose me  Kisses this life time. The love Keith showed me was beyond anything of this world. I alway's treasured every minute we had together.  No matter when or where if he needed me I was there, and if I needed him he was alway's there for me too. I miss the bond we had. But I know Keith is still here for me helping me through my life time, and I thank you Keith for that. You knew me better than anyone. So Blessed am I to have had you in my life. You have not left me, you just took another form of Love and Light. The Joy you have givin me while you were here is so great in my Heart. I Love and Miss you sooooo Much, I know you know.  Miss You My Baby!

                           To The best son I could have ever had. Keith

                                          Love Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!