Keith David Elwart - Online Memorial Website

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Keith Elwart
Born in Michigan
23 years
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Colleen Mom to Tiffany Mahoney October 9, 2013
Our son's and daughters are with us always and they are in a wonderful place... it took a while for me to get to know this... and I thank the Lord for this knowledge.  It makes each day a little easier to get through.
Your Keith is a very handsome man.. may God Bless your Family.
Mom A Treasure I was gifted. July 1, 2013
I remember like it was yesterday, when I gave birth to you. I will never forget your little hand in mine. I treasured every moment I had with you. This is your 30th Birthday. Time has gone by so fast. I would give anything to have you back. Miss you everyday. Love you alway's.        Love Mom.                                                     
Colleen A Mothers Love July 31, 2012
I know your pain
I lost my daughter Tiffany Mahoney
She was only 19 yrs old.
God Bless You and Your Family.
Hey Keith.
    Today I was going through a bunch of CD's of pictures I have and came across this picture of you. I remember that time we all went bowling after new years. and all the fun times we had camping and partying in the backyard. No matter what a pain in the butt any of us young kids were you always laughed and joked around with us. I miss you so much. You were someone that could always make me laugh. I know your up there looking down on all of us and helping us out when you can. I know your probably up there making everyone laugh and smile, because that is what you did. You made everyone so happy. I miss your hugs, they just had a way of making any situation better. I sometimes need those hugs, and then something comes over me and i feel that warmth that i felt when you hugged me. I know you with me when things get tough. Thank you. I love and miss you.
    Love always, Joy
Hi Keith,

 Miss you. Wish you could be with us this coming weekend. But i know you will be with me walking down the isle to see your sister ans new Brother so happy. It will be such a sad, happy day for me. wish you me, and Amber were all still together. Your sister is such a smart, loving woman but you new that. I think of you everyday. Love you with all my Heart.

                                                      love Mom XOXO
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